Sunday morning, the 3rd of June I met up with a group of people in the car park at The Anglers Rest in Bamford. After briefly introducing myself to a few of the attendees our host Renuka Russell arrived with her rucksack and a smile. We were ready to experience Death by Natural Causes!
We were assembled to head out along the streets and back lanes of Bamford for an intriguing bit of sleuthery.
As we started upon our 2 hour round walk Renuka explained the back story for our investigation in to a possible murder. (deep intake of breath)
The manager at the local Costco had eaten a hearty meal at home then developed an acute case of indigestion. In order to rid himself of his discomfort he took himself off for a walk.
Here began the investigation…he didn’t return…his wife suspected he was having an affair.
You get the general idea.
As we meandered down the quaint streets of Bamford Renuka was drip feeding us information relating to plants as we built up our casebook of potentially incriminating evidence.
We learned which plants may paralyse our throats and which would lead to heart failure and oh so many ways to kill with what could be considered every day garden plants and shrubs.
The walk terminated in a field overlooking the weir where we got to sample some of Renukas’s herbal tea. And we all contributed our thoughts on what exactly killed our philandering store manager. 😊
I sat and wracked my brain as Renuka provided information about exactly how he had met his fate and narrowly missed the chance to take away the coveted prize awarded to the lady who got the answer first.
As a consolation prize I decided to reward myself with lunch at the Anglers Rest before heading home after a thoroughly enjoyable and informative walk.
Renuka has boundless enthusiasm and knowledge which shines through and makes for a fabulous way to spend a sunny Sunday morning. She is a highly qualified massage therapist and herbal medicine practitioner and you can find her here She’s also part of a team running other outdoor events and activities throughout the year which you can find details for here.
Life After Death by Natural Causes
I’m going to be checking out other Be Outdoors events so I may see you on one soon. 😊
Ooh almost forgot to mention, you can take your dog with you too.
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